Australian Oaten Hay is highly regarded on the international market for its energy value and as a year-round reliable source of digestible and palatable fodder for dairy and beef cattle. It is renowned for its sweetness, soft texture, low levels of potassium and nitrate nitrogen and consistency.
Australian Wheaten Hay is a source of digestible fibre produced as a result of seasonal conditions. JC Tanloden exports Australia Wheaten Hay to international clients who seek a consistent and conserved fibre source as an alternative to Oaten Hay.
Wheat straw is known as a by-product of the wheat industry and is used by dairy and beef farmers as a fodder substitute or bedding. We mainly source long wheaten straw (>40cm in length) for the Japanese market as needed.
Supplied wheat straw is required to be clean, bright, free of contamination, and non-weather damaged.